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Twitter is the most undervalued social network for finding remote jobs. Did you know there are 187 million daily active users worldwide? CEOs, Heads of Recruitment across every industry spend time engaging and posting tweets.
You are missing out on opportunities, so start spending time networking and searching for remote jobs on Twitter!
In this guide, we will go through how to use Twitter to find remote jobs. To be honest, the advice applies to all types of remote work, including looking for clients as a freelancer.
Set Your Profile Up for Success
We will start off at one of the more essential tasks to get right.
Your profile is what potential employers and clients will see first when they look at your Twitter feed.
Firstly, sign up to Twitter and create your account. Try to use an easy-to-remember username, e.g. theremotehive is where you will find me. For the name, make sure you use your full name, as this is more personal.
Once you’ve gone through the sign-up process, find a professional-looking photograph of you that stands out.
Try to use a coloured background when taking the photo.
Or use a tool like Canva to remove the background and replace it with a bright colour like yellow, red or orange.
Next, your bio. Keep it brief.
Mention you are searching for a remote job in a specific role. Include the industry or niche if you have one. You have 160 characters, including spaces to create an eye-catching introduction.
Here’s an example of a bio that might help.
Looking for a remote job in Quality Assurance.
Have 6+ years of experience working in the WordPress ecosystem. Love photography and exploring new places.
This bio tells people that you are looking for a job and have several years of experience working within a specific niche or industry. Add a few interests because this helps start conversations.
The final step of your profile is to add your Resume to Google Drive or another cloud storage service and link to it from your profile URL. The same applies to freelancers, you would link to your website or portfolio.
This will make it easier for potential clients or employers to find out more about you. A word of warning: make sure you edit out any personal information on your resume, like telephone number or email address.
You have now created the perfect Twitter profile. What is next?
Using Twitter to find remote jobs
Many remote job boards publish their latest listings on Twitter. Use the search feature to see if your favourite site has an active account.
Once you have found their account, follow and click on the notify bell icon on the top of the profile page.
You will get notified when they publish. This will save you a lot of time browsing the remote job boards for the latest listings.
On Twitter, I created a list of my recommended sites. If you follow, you will be notified when all of the sites on the list post new jobs.
Another way to find remote jobs is to use the basic or advanced search feature or follow hashtags like #remotejobs #remotework. You will often find jobs by companies that are not listing on the listing sites.
Work from Home scams
Word of caution: you will find scammers using these hashtags to get you to part with your hard-earned money.
They will promote work from home jobs that need no experience, and when you enquire, you have to pay money to be included on their list or receive training. It’s likely to be a scam. Read our guide on detecting work from home scams.
Engage to be discovered
Twitter is perfect for networking, and as mentioned earlier in the guide, it’s the most undervalued social network.
It feels like continuous preaching, but networking is critical when it comes to landing a remote job. Twitter will open up new doors, help you showcase your skills, and highlight that you are looking for work.
Here’s what you should do next.
- Create a list of 10-12 companies you would like to work for or have in your portfolio as clients.
- Use the search feature in Twitter and look to see if the companies have an active account.
- Once you have found their account, follow them and click on the notify bell icon on the top of the profile page.
Whenever they post tweets, you will be notified and be one of the first to engage. Just check how active the account is because you do not want to be overwhelmed with notifications.
Be selective in what you reply to, but do not be afraid to ask and answer questions. You could also simply like (and retweet) the post to get noticed because this action would appear in their notifications.
You can also use the advanced search on Twitter to find people who work for the companies you are interested in working for. Think about adding the head of HR or recruitment.
You can also find names by using the LinkedIn search feature.
The goal is to engage with people and hope they check out your profile and see that you are looking for a remote job.
Like all networking, the point is to start conversations as this opens up new doors and opportunities.
Network with experts within your industry
To recap: in this guide, you have learned how to quickly find new listings on remote job sites. You have understood you can search for opportunities using hashtags. You have also found out how to find people within companies you would like to work for.
You can then engage with these people and companies.
The final area to think about is networking with experts within your industry. Why? These people will help you find remote jobs.
Word of mouth is powerful not just in marketing but also in finding employment and freelance clients.
Let’s pretend that you are a Quality Assurance Analyst with experience with SAAS products. You would follow people who are working in the same field and industry. Engage with those people and, as previously mentioned, it will help you build new relationships.
Networking will not help you find a remote job overnight but, it works for the long term. Throughout your career, you need to continue building relationships. If you lose your job, you will have people within your network to ask for referrals.
Hopefully, this guide on using Twitter to find remote jobs has helped you navigate this under-appreciated social network. Good luck in your journey and, do not forget to ask any Remote work questions.
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