About the author

Darren Cronian, the author of this guide, has spent nine years securing remote jobs and building a successful freelancing business. His goal is to help people find remote work. Read more >
Last Updated: 19 September 2023

Finding remote jobs for digital nomads needn’t be as difficult as you imagine. It’s surprising how many companies are now looking for remote workers, and there are many opportunities online.

If your initial mindset is telling yourself you do not have the skills, stop now. Think about your skills and whether you can complete the work online.

A client told me he had spent five years as a project manager for outdoor projects. He could transfer those skills online because more companies need someone to manage projects.

Remote jobs for Digital Nomads

Even if you do not have the skills, why not spend 6-12 months learning in your own time? Most of my remote work was based on the experience gained in building WordPress websites as a hobby in my spare time.

In this guide, you will learn how to find remote jobs for digital nomads so you can work and travel the world. Before we get into where to find Remote jobs for digital nomads, let’s look at some areas to think about.

Choose Your Employer Wisely

Not all employers want their workforce to travel around the world. Many companies will expect you to work in a specific time zone. Make sure to research the company before applying for a remote job.

The place to start is on the ‘About Us’ page or social media profiles. Alternatively, contact the company directly and ask the question.

If you receive an interview invite, ask if they have any problems with you working remotely while traveling. Setting expectations early is essential so the interviewer can see if you are a good fit for the company and vice versa.

Look for a company that embraces remote working but realizes the workweek does not need to be 9-to-5. Flexibility in your working hours will make life so much easier. This leads to the next piece of advice.

Think About Your Work Routine and Time Zones

Take some time to think about how many hours you want to work a week. Most US companies expect you to work 40 hours a week if you are full-time.

There are part-time remote job opportunities, so you have an option if you do not want to work 8 hours a day.

Initially, my hours were 40 per week. Since the employer was flexible, the working hours were split into 4 hours in the local timezone (usually early morning) and 4 hours in the US EST evening.

This gave me plenty of spare time to enjoy my travels. It’s critical to consider where you will spend most of your time and how many hours you want to work weekly.

Let’s now get into where you can find remote jobs for digital nomads.

Use Remote Job Boards

While popular job sites like Indeed and Monster do have opportunities, the best places to start are remote job boards. Sites like weworkremotely.com, remoteok.io and remote.co have new daily vacancies, not just technical roles.

Search on Google for the type of role you are looking for, i.e., remote customer service jobs, and you will find more boards to browse through.

Network for Remote Jobs

My first remote job was acquired by reaching out to my network. One of my contacts knew a company searching for someone with my skills. The next day, an invite landed in my inbox for an interview.

Being recommended increased my chances of landing the job, so if you haven’t started building a network, do so now.

A great place to start is on LinkedIn. Read my guide on how to use LinkedIn to find remote jobs and receive lots of tips.

Another tactic is identifying companies you want to work for with a remote workforce. Find people who work within HR/Recruitment for the company by searching on LinkedIn.

Reach out to them on social media or send an email. Keep it brief – tell them why the company needs you and attach your resume.

Look for Freelancing Jobs.

Another option is to look for freelancing opportunities. While it will give you more freedom to work when you want, the downside is inconsistent income based on how quickly your client processes your invoice.

You can use Freelancing boards like Freelancer and Upwork, but building your client base is better than relying on third parties for income. Start by showcasing your skills, then contact potential clients and network with companies in your targeted market.

Hopefully, this guide has given you some ideas to get started.

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