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The most challenging part of working from home is often the isolation of working alone. This can take a little time to get used to if you have spent many years working in an office with your colleagues.
This can be more of a problem for extroverts who enjoy being around other people. That said, there are a few solutions to avoid isolation.
Avoid Sitting in Silence
In the background, have music or sounds playing. Spotify is a solution for streaming music you enjoy listening to or music that helps you focus and concentrate. You need to check out Coffitivity for coffee shop sounds, or there’s now an app for offline listening.
Take Time Out of Work
Take time out of your workday to socialize with family and friends. If you cannot meet them personally, call them and have a conversation. Also, take time out to exercise and be active: walk, hike, or run around the park.
It is easy to be switched on to work 24/7, which is why many remote workers burn out. You must communicate your work schedule to colleagues, ensure you keep it, and set expectations.
Work in a Coffee Shop or Co-Working Space
Another solution for the isolation issue is working in a coffee shop or co-working space. You’ll be able to engage with others, but the sound of a busy environment around you can help you feel less isolated.
Attend Networking Events
Both in-person and virtual networking events are a great way to meet new people who might be able to help you with your career or business in the future. Alongside networking meetings, find events that will help you learn more skills.
If you’re an introvert, get out and meet people. Engaging with others and having face-to-face communication is good for your long-term mental health.
Meet up with Colleagues
If you are an employee, make time each month to meet with colleagues within your team and get to know them. Employers that embrace remote working will ensure that there is a gathering at least once a year so people can continue to build relationships offline.
Hopefully, this answers the question: what is the most challenging part of working from home? Do you have any questions you would like us to answer?
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